There is someone who has some pictures , newspaper match ticket or a program from the game between Ferencvaros and Petrolul Ploiesti. I have just some copies with pictures from the kepes sport magazine.
Thank you
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra, tellus sit amet congue vulputate, nisi erat iaculis nibh, vitae feugiat sapien ante eget mauris.
There is someone who has some pictures , newspaper match ticket or a program from the game between Ferencvaros and Petrolul Ploiesti. I have just some copies with pictures from the kepes sport magazine.
Thank you
Nagyon szép album, drága megboldogult nagyapámat is láttam több fotón, ezért külön köszönet a feltöltésért!
Hajrá Fradi!
Feri egy nagyon szep album!Nagyon jok az öregfiukrol is!Gratulalok,egy öreg ismerös St.Gallenbol.